See on Facebook Event Page:
or Zoom Registration Link:
Are you tired of Xcel “gaslighting” us about how they supposedly need to build a new gas plant in Minnesota during a climate crisis?
Are you tired of your energy utility reacting to your desire for community-owned distributed renewable power as if you are cheating on them?
Well, you’re not alone, because monopoly utilities are indeed a jealous and possessive lover!
Join Lee Samelson, energy comedy extraordinaire for a 30-minute performance that plugs key metaphors into the power of narrative to generate inspiration to submit comments on Xcel's 15-Year Climate and Energy Plan by the April 12th deadline. This 30-minute short performance will have a slideshow of memes and educational images to deliver entertainment value.
**Family friendly and suitable for all audiences.**
The event will take place on Zoom and Facebook Live.
Family friendly and suitable for all audiences.