Minneapolis can choose a better energy future, and DFL convention is key

This year Minneapolis has a once-in-a-generation opportunity. We can continue to import polluting energy into our community, or we can vote "yes" and choose a better energy future.

This opportunity may rest on what happens at the DFL city convention Saturday when delegates consider whether to put a “yes” vote on the DFL's fall sample ballot, a key to success.

At stake is $450 million per year that Minneapolis spends on electricity and gas services. These 20-year agreements with Xcel Energy and Centerpoint Energy expire in 2014. The Minneapolis Energy Options coalition is working to advance clean, affordable, reliable, and local energy as the city’s agreements expire, by affirming a ballot measure authorizing the city to pursue municipal ownership of energy utilities.

If the utilities won’t respond at the negotiating table, the ballot measure gives the city power to make its own way toward a better energy future. A study of the municipal option in Boulder, Colo., (also an Xcel customer) indicates they could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by half, at similar or lower electric rates and with higher reliability.

Seriously exploring the challenges and benefits of publicly owned energy utilities will improve Minneapolis' position in contract negotiations, even if the city decides not to move ahead with municipalization.

As the DFL delegates are making important decisions for our city on Saturday, it should be noted that Minneapolis Energy Options’ focus on clean, affordable, reliable, and local energy aligns perfectly with the DFL action agenda and party platform. It’s also good policy. 

The City of Lakes could sign franchise agreements with its two big utilities, their polluting power plants and their shareholders for another 20 years. They would be happy to oblige. But the world is changing, and I hope that the city (and DFL delegates) will keep our options open.

Minneapolis Energy Options seeks DFL endorsement

Published in the Twin Cities Daily Planet

June 12, 2013

A campaign to secure Minneapolis DFL support for the Minneapolis Energy Options resolution has been building momentum for months. Winning the endorsement at the City convention on June 15th will require at least 60% of the attending delegates voting yes. While Minneapolis Energy Options is non-partisan, the campaign encouraged supporters who identify with any party to attend their precinct caucuses and ward conventions with the goal of the securing endorsement of the ballot initiative. As the DFL is the only party that has not already endorsed that has had caucuses and conventions this year, and as 12 of the 13 City Council members identify as DFL, the convention coming up on June 15th is pivotal.

If Minneapolis voters pass the Minneapolis Energy Options ballot initiative it would authorize the City to form a city-owned power utility if it can prove that a municipal system can deliver energy as affordably and reliably as the existing utilities. The authorization to form a municipal utility would provide city council more leverage to negotiate more localized renewable energy from Xcel and Centerpoint in time for the expiration of their franchise agreements in 2014.

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Did You Catch Minneapolis Energy Options?


It was a great long weekend and Minneapolis Energy Options was all over the city. Did you see us at Minnehaha? Did you see us at the March Against Monsanto? Did you hear us on AM950 Green Rock Radio? 

On Friday, Minneapolis Energy Options Campaign Intern Andy Timm and Minneapolis Energy Options Campaign Coordinator Dylan Kesit were out at Minnehaha Park talking with friends and neighbors about how we can work together to secure a clean and affordable energy future. We are working to keep our energy options open. Currently in Minneapolis, energy costs are rising and energy pollution is causing significant local and global problems. We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make cleaner, more affordable, and more local energy available to all in Minneapolis.

Join your neighbors and Minneapolis Energy Options as we work to secure a Clean, Affordable, Reliable, and Local Energy future for all! Check out the Volunteer Calendar and register to join the movement for a clean and affordable energy future.

Want to learn more about Minneapolis Energy Options? Listen to Louis Alemayehu, Minneapolis Energy Options Steering Committee, and Dylan Kesti on Green Rock Radio AM950 listen HERE.

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Why Timothy Supports Energy Options

I'm donating to MEO because...

My name is Timothy DenHerder-Thomas, I'm 26, and I live in the Corcocan neighborhood of South Minneapolis. I'm a part of Minneapolis Energy Options because I believe we need the power here in Minneapolis to own clean energy systems cooperatively, make neighborhood investments that help everyone, especially low-income families, cut their energy costs, and create local jobs in the green economy.

I've spent the last several years organizing neighborhood engagement campaigns, local energy cooperatives, and youth leadership development programs. I don't make much money, so I usually don't make financial donations to social change efforts, contributing my time and energy instead.

But on Minneapolis Energy Options, I'm supporting with my dollars as well as my time. I took a look at my energy costs in 2012. While I've made many efforts to keep my energy costs down, my housemates and I still paid $1,023 to Xcel Energy and Centerpoint Energy in 2012. With a colder winter raising my natural gas costs and an 8.6% rate increase from Xcel Energy raising my electrical costs, it's going to be even higher in 2013.

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Dustin Denison Supports Minneapolis Energy Options

MEO Stories

I am supporting Minneapolis Energy Options because one of the core tenets of our company is "We believe energy production and consumption must fundamentally change". In order for Minneapolis to meet its Climate Action plans, our relationship with Xcel energy must be holistic to meeting the goals and objectives our residents seek. Minneapolis Energy Options is engaged in the work to empower our elected officials to meet these goals.  

Dustin Denison, Principal
Minneapolis-based Applied Energy Innovations

Tell your story!  Email 2-3 sentences and a photo to Dylan!

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