Minneapolis and St Paul candidate forums on energy democracy dates released
In addition to our 2023 Community Power Energy Questionnaire, we are excited to announce 3 candidate forums! All candidates seeking to represent Wards 6, 7 & 12 on the Minneapolis City Council will share their visions on how to meet Minneapolis’ upcoming Climate & Equity Plan goals plus additional local energy democracy perspectives.
- All from around the city, regardless of ward are welcome and encouraged to join !
- Audience members can submit questions they wish candidates to answer !
- Informal social time after each Q & A !
Xcel Nuclear Leak 4 months unannounced
Xcel Energy and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) waited four months before notifying the public after a 400,000 gallon radioactive leak at Xcel’s Monticello nuclear plant.
The leak was discovered by Xcel on November 22, 2022, and was immediately reported to the MPCA. Radioactive high-tritium water spilled from a leaky pipe and has seeped into the ground water under the plant. Tritium is a naturally occurring radioactive isotope that shows up in much higher concentrations in water from nuclear power plants.
On March 16th, 2023, Xcel and the MPCA finally notified the public. They defended the delay by saying that the spill was contained, that the public was never at risk, and claimed the reason for delay was to avoid public alarm. Xcel Energy estimates that its ground water pumping efforts over the last 4 months have recovered about 25% of the leaked tritium.
Read more
Caucus for Minneapolis Climate & Equity March 14th
Over 90 attendees showed up at a January 23rd event to help pass a robustly funded People’s Climate & Equity Plan. You too can be part of history and build on this momentum!
If you are in Minneapolis and want to keep the city council focused & supportive of full funding, or to make sure incoming candidates understand the importance of climate action, then becoming a caucus / convention delegate is the most effective thing we can do over the next few months.
- Fill out the form to Caucus for the Minneapolis People's Climate & Equity Plan on March 14th so you can be connected with experienced caucus-goers in your City Council Ward
- For some basic info, answers to FAQ’s, and the various political parties*** see Minneapolis Caucus How, Why and Where 2023.
You can also be connected to the Caucus for Climate & Equity mobilization by signing your name on this letter to Mayor Jacob Frey, encouraging him to support creating a new robust dedicated fund for Climate & Equity, through a tax on the city's biggest polluters.
- The caucus form is live! For everyone in wards 1-11 planning to caucus with the DFL, you can now sign up to become a delegate by filling out this form before March 14. Wards 12 and 13 will be caucusing in-person on March 14 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. ln-person caucus locations available here.
100% Carbon Free Electricity now MN State Law, more Energy Policy Improvements to Come
What has become known as the "100% Bill" (HF 7 - Long / SF 4 - Frentz referring to 100% Clean Energy, is set to become State Law.
This comes after a multi-year effort of by a coalition of multiple grassroots and grass tops organizations that formed in 2018 and launched in 2019.
Community Power and Partners will mobilize for additional energy policy legislation that more directly centers our broader interests of energy democracy, expanding local authority for climate action, and ensuring widespread access to the benefits of clean energy.
Shortly before midnight on Feb 2nd, the MN State Senate has narrowly approved a requirement for the state’s electric utilities to provide carbon free power by 2040, after the MN State House passed an identical version on January 25th. This 17-year timescale is the state's most ambitious clean energy standard ever.
It is worth noting that Xcel Energy and Minnesota Power, made carbon free pledges on their own accord, but for a decade later in 2050.
With some exceptions, utilities would have to provide power that is:
- 80 % carbon-free by 2030; 60 % for rural co-ops by 2030;
- 90 % carbon-free and 55 percent renewable by 2035;
- and 100 % carbon-free by 2040
There will be a process for utilities who don't think they can hit the above targets to ask the PUC for an exception, or to buy renewable energy credits to offset carbon intensive power that they continue to provide.
In 2007, the MN State Legislature passed the 25% by 2025 Renewable Energy Standard with a nearly unanimous, bipartisan vote.
Minnesota was able to meet that target eight years ahead of schedule. Utilities, grid operators, and energy producers had an easier time than expected integrating renewable energy into the grid and maintaining reliability in a way that has saved billions of dollars for Minnesotans.
- The new law is more than mere carbon reduction. It strengths utility reporting requirements on jobs, host communities, environmental justice impacts, and employee & vendor diversity.
- The MN Public Utilities Commission will have more direction to maximize the jobs benefits and organizing rights of Minnesota workers when needed to ensure prevailing wages are paid and to assist transitioning workers.
- You can read more about what the bill does here.