This Summer, House Parties for the People's Climate & Equity Plan!

The City of Minneapolis has the scientifically correct climate goals on paper:

We need a robust People’s Climate & Equity Plan at scale for us to actually meet the targets. 

In order to mobilize the City Council and the Mayor to pass something more than half-measures, the coalition campaign will be organizing outdoor house parties this summer.

I - Lee -  will be hosting one in Mid-July!  Community Power organized a series of 2-3 dozen house parties  before and they are a great way to deepen community relations.  Sign up here to host or co-host a "house" party and click here to see the House Party Toolkit  to learn what is involved.

To see what an "at-scale" climate equity plan could look like in action, check out this article: Minneapolis jobs program aims to grow and diversify clean energy workforce by Frank Jossi, April 11, 2022

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Xcel's 2021 Report Gives Glimpse Into Their Future Planning

The MN Public Utilities Commission has decided on Xcel recent Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), but here’s a glimpse ahead. Xcel Energy just released their 2021 Annual Report which might reveal the direction Xcel hopes to take with their future IRPs.

Overall, we need to see some more proof that Xcel trying to avoid actual investing in the things we need: solar, wind, geothermal, storage, demand response, and efficiency.

Here is the Main Page for Xcel’s 2021 Annual Report

Here is the Interactive Report where you can access the text

Click below to see some quotes from it:

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Xcel and CenterPoint enabling Climate Opposition

CenterPoint CEO receives a $37 Million salary while customers pay more. The company also ranks among the nation's worst in aggressive lobbying against climate polices


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My Personal Comments on the Proposed Inclusive Financing Pilot Project

(Click Here to view my comments posted on the official website and Click Here for the official Community Power reply comment)

In addressing my comments on Docket #21-377, I’d like the MN Public Utilities Commissioners to hear an appreciation for Tariff-Based Inclusive Financing (abbreviated as TBIF) as a rare and valuable path for us to act on climate in a way that doubles as economic and housing justice. I have talked with people in the community and collected signatures in favor of Inclusive Financing (coupled with an ask for workforce development) starting on Earth Day of 2016 for nearly 4 years until COVID-19 put a hiatus on in-person events. There is a reason why I found this to be a very refreshing conversation to have at community events with friends, acquaintances and new people. I’d like the commissioners to hear first-hand just how liberating it is to be able to pitch support for a pro-climate justice & pro-environment policy innovation that does not ask those of us struggling to get by to pay just a bit extra for something but instead has the power to reduce the marginal cost of living. The petition resulted in well over 1000 petition signatures being delivered to the Energy Vision Advisory Committee and the Minneapolis Clean Energy Partnership Board in 2021. 


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John Oliver Explains Electric Utilities with Humor

John Oliver explains electric utilities, why they're charging you so much, and why they hate solar

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