Call Script for Energy Equity
Chris Clark, Xcel Energy:
Hello my name is _________________,
I am calling today to thank Xcel for its work to accelerate Community Solar Garden projects in Minnesota. They are an essential tool to achieve our climate goals in an affordable and equitable way. Please use your company’s substantial influence with both the Public Utilities Commission and lending institutions to make subscribing to these new solar gardens and other energy savings tools accessible to all Minnesotans. It is important that Xcel take the following actions:
(feel free to discuss personal reasons why energy access is important to you!)
Don't Gut Fair Pay for Solar: Xcel should withdraw its proposal to the Public Utilities Commission to lower the solar compensation rate for subscribers (which would remove the incentive for low-income families to participate).
Remove the Bar to Solar for All: Xcel should agree to collecting developers' solar garden payments through utility bills of participating customers (called "On-Bill Repayment").
Boost Energy Affordability and Efficiency: Xcel should implement "Inclining Block Rates", a rate structure that reduces energy costs for most families, including almost all low-income families, while giving energy users greater rewards for saving energy or participating in community solar.
Grow Solar Jobs for All: Xcel should help push current efforts to close the racial gap in employment through job training and placement programs in clean energy.
Thank you.