Free Appetizers provided!
Have you been in a discussion hearing things like "We need coal to protect American jobs", "Adding renewable energy will cause our electricity rates skyrocket", and that "wind and solar are intermittent and we need coal plants to back up"?
If you remember wanting to respond "well here is how the energy utility system really works", then this teach-in event is for you.
Come join, explore, ask and learn about why cleaner energy options create more jobs per dollar invested than coal or gas, why big coal plants are actually not compatible with backing up wind and solar energy and that it is something else other than increasingly cost-competitive renewable energy that is responsible for electricity rate increases.
This will be part of the Powerful Conversations Tour which has held over 3 dozen similar community events the past year and a half around the twin cities to guide both new and returning advocates for a clean energy future on formulating effective arguments about our utility system.
This community event is hosted in partnership with the Sierra Club which is pressuring Xcel Energy to include a retirement plan for the Sherco coal plant in Xcel’s 15 year business plan. It will also be timed as an opportunity to develop thoughtful commentary on Xcel's plan to submit to the Public Utilities Commission before July 2nd.
3013 27th Ave S
Minneapolis , MN 55407
United States
Google map and directions