Inclusive Financing for Energy, 100% Renewables, & Equity in Clean Jobs ENDORSED at Minneapolis City-Wide Convention

Delegates at the Minneapolis DFL Convention on July 8th endorsed a resolution calling for political leaders to actively push utilities to adopt Inclusive Financing, a program tool adopted in over 7 states that removes the barrier to cost savings and clean energy for customers regardless of credit score, income and home-ownership status. Also included in this endorsed resolution was 100% clean renewable electricity by 2030 and 100% renewable heating and transportation by 2050, and in favor of reliable & dedicated funding for the Minneapolis Clean Energy Partnership.

In addition, Convention delegates unanimously endorsed a second resolution calling for workforce development & job training programs in renewable energy & energy efficiency to be accessible to low-income and minority populations and that an equitable portion of the public dollars invested into renewable energy and energy efficiency projects be invested in minority, women and veteran-owned energy contracting businesses.

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