Feeling inspired to build an empowered community ready to direct our energy future?
Join us and bring a friend or neighbor along on Tuesday afternoon April 7th from 5PM – 7 PM for an informative presentation and discussion about reforming the energy utility system in ways that will accomplish Minneapolis’ ambitious climate and energy vision goals. This will be our kick-off event of the Powerful Conversations Tour at North Point, which is located at 1313 Penn Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411.
We are providing a grassroots opportunity for anyone who would like to be active and involved in helping our new City-Utility partnership be effective in accomplishing significant change that other cities can follow.
We also have some exciting news!
On March 17th, the Clean Energy Partnership board announced a surprisingly excellent and impressive group of 15 advocates and experts who they appointed to serve a 2-year term on the Energy Vision Advisory Committee (EVAC). The EVAC will play a key role in provide community input into the partnership board’s decisions and activities.
The next step in our journey together is for the EVAC to meet twice in April to review and provide feedback on the Partnership’s 2015-2016 Potential Work Plan Items. Come join us April 7th so we can build a movement to encourage the Partnership board to go bold and ambitious in deciding which energy efficiency and local renewable energy initiatives will be in their biennial work plan (click here to see some of our ideas).