There will also be virtual tune-in options such as a livestream on Community Power’s Facebook event page.
Confirmed Candidates: Aurin Chowdhury, Jerome Evans, Luther Ranheim & Nancy Ford
- A quick 101 on ranked-choice-voting from FairVote
We'll hear from candidates on:
- their visions how to meet Minneapolis’ Climate & Equity Plan goals
- responses to prepared energy justice prepared questions from the hosts
- responses to audience questions, screened for topic relevance and repetitiveness
Post forum mingle: Following the forum will be an informal time for attendees to talk with candidates in the front lobby with possible refreshments.
- The school facility prohibits food and drink other than water from the auditorium
This forum is hosted by Community Power with great co-hosts of MN350, Unidos MN, the MN Environmental Justice Table, and Minneapolis Climate Action. Community Power is an energy democracy organization which originated as the 2013 Minneapolis Energy Options campaign that led directly to the City forming its first-in-the-Nation Clean Energy Partnership with Xcel and Centerpoint. Donations are much appreciated and welcome to continue this work but not at all required:

See our past candidate education work in 2017 & 2021
with energy forums & questionnaires here.