Dozens speak for Minneapolis Climate Equity Plan at City Budget Hearings

A heartfelt thank you to the 12 that showed up to speak for the Minneapolis Climate Equity Plan at the Oct 25th city budget public hearing and 11 showed up for the Nov 1st hearing (and others who touched on the topic)!

On Oct 19th Minneapolis formally approved the promised $10 million and has offered to prioritize weatherizing older homes in lower income households. See the story covered in Minnpost and the Star Tribune

 (Community Power speaking at the Nov 1st hearing)

Along with support for frontline city workers and co-enforcement of workers' rights, intelligently implementing the decade-long roadmap to achieve ambitious climate goals was the most frequently evoked topic that city council members heard from the community. 


For some specifics, Community Power submitted written comments which can be found by scrolling to the end of this document,  asking for 1) a networked geothermal feasibility study & pilot, 2) equitable workforce development guidelines, 3) transparent oversight of the climate legacy initiative funds, and 4) echoing fellow commenters suggestions for home weatherization. 

To hear some of the 2-minute speeches click on the links below: 


October 25th:

November 1st:

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