Sample Letter to the Public Utilities Commission on Xcel's IRP

Comments/letters will be accepted until September 2, 2015.

NOW is the time to hold Xcel to its agreement to the Minneapolis Clean Energy Partnership!


The SAMPLE LETTER to send in begins below:






Daniel P. Wolf

Executive Secretary

Minnesota Public Utilities Commission

121 7th  Place East    Suite 350

St. Paul, Minnesota   55101-2147


Date: _________________


RE:Xcel Energy’s 2016 – 2030 Upper Midwest Resource Plan and Supplemental Filing:  Include the Minneapolis Clean Energy Partnership Work Plan


Docket No. E002/RP-15-21


Dear Mr. Wolf:


The Work Plan of the Minneapolis Clean Energy Partnership, adopted by the Partnership on May 29, 2015, needs to be formally included in the above captioned Xcel Energy Integrated Resource Plan.


For any business partnership to be successful, the goals and objectives, projects and programs of all business partners must be adequately included in business plans that guide management of each member of the partnership.    Unfortunately, the above captioned Resource Plan and Supplemental Filing does not yet include an explicit recognition of the Minneapolis Clean Energy Partnership and the energy management goals and objectives of Minneapolis.  Considering that this Partnership includes Xcel Energy and the City of Minneapolis, and that a specific Work Plan to meet energy management goals and objectives has been formally adopted by the Clean Energy Partnership, and that Minneapolis comprises about 15% of the electrical load served by Xcel Energy in Minnesota, the Clean Energy Partnership Work Plan should be included in this Xcel Energy business plan.  


I/We request that the Commission require Xcel Energy to formally incorporate the Clean Energy Partnership 2015-2016 Work Plan Items into the Xcel Energy 2016 -2030 Upper Midwest Integrated Resource Plan.  Specifically, these items are organized under energy user “segments”, including:


  1. Residential, 1-4 unit

  2. Multi-family (5+ unit)

  3. Large Commercial

  4. Small Commercial

  5. City Enterprise


Language describing each of these Work Plan items is contained on pages 11-16 of the Minneapolis Clean Energy Partnership 2015-2016 Work Plan as adopted at the May 29, 2015 Clean Energy Partnership Board Meeting.  This language should be incorporated in its entirety in the above captioned document, as a separate chapter entitled “City/Utility Partnerships.”



Thank you.









Xcel Customer

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