2018-2021 - City Electeds on Energy

In early 2017, we gave all Minneapolis city council and mayoral candidates a questionnaire about our local energy future. The discussion elevated the incredible influence energy - and the decisions made about it in the crucial next years - has on housing stability, cost of living, community wealth, economic opportunity, health, and climate resilience.

WARD 1: Kevin Reich    

WARD 2: Cam Gordon

  • No questionnaire was requested from CM Cam Gordon due to lack of multiple candidates
  • No forum held due to lack of multiple candidates

WARD 3: Steve Fletcher

WARD 4: Phillipe Cunningham

WARD 5: Jeremiah Ellison

WARD 6: Abdi Warsame

Note: Former CM Abdi Warsame Participated at our Ward 6 Climate Equity Forum but resigned his position on March 30th, 2020 to take a new position with the Minneapolis Public Housing Authority. Also participating in this forum was Mohamud Noor, who is in elected office starting in 2019 Representing district 60 B in the Minnesota State House.

  • Jamal Osman has been elected as the New Council Member for Ward 6 to serve the remainder of Abdi Warsame's Term. 
  • No questionnaire was submitted

WARD 7: Lisa Goodman

  • CM Lisa Goodman's questionnaire
  • CM did not attend our forum with candidates in 2017. 
  • Watch CM Goodman's pre-submitted video at our 2021 Candidate forum
  • Read CM Goodman's submitted questionnaire from 2021. 

WARD 8: Andrea Jenkins 

  • No questionnaires submitted by CM Jenkins
  • No forum held due to lack of multiple candidates until late

WARD 9: Alondra Cano

WARD 10: Lisa Bender

No questionnaires submitted by CM, No forum held due to lack of multiple candidates until late

WARD 11: Jeremy Schroeder

WARD 12: Andrew Johnson

WARD 13: Linea Palmisano

MAYOR: Jacob Frey