2021 Citywide Policy Brief

2021 Position Brief

Community Power is an energy democracy organization based in Minneapolis that grew out of the “Minneapolis Energy Options” Campaign in 2013 to consider municipalization1​ ​of the two investor-owned energy utilities providing electricity and natural gas in the city. Our mission is to support residents of Minnesota cities and towns to build a C​​lean L​​ocal ​Eq​uitable ​A​ffordable and ​R​eliable energy future. Our work ranges broadly from access to energy efficiency and community solar to centering communities in energy decision-making. We partner in this work alongside economic, housing, and environmental justice, and community organizations, and we believe there is immense power in local change. For more information on these policy recommendations, you can reference the Background Information document for context on each of the five items.

This position brief is meant to support the formation of bold, equitable energy policy in the City of Minneapolis in order to meet the urgent needs of communities. We hope it serves as a useful tool for grassroots and community-based organizations as well as staff and policy-makers.

High Level Points of 2021 Policy Brief: 

  1. Fulfilling Minneapolis’ 100% Renewable Energy Ordinance in ways that provide a net-savings and revenue for residents, small businesses and the City

  2. Making renewables and energy efficiency more accessible and equitable

  3. Implementing and resourcing energy initiatives that equitably reduce costs for Minneapolis residents and small businesses

  4. Funding equitable energy solutions at adequate levels with transparency and accountability

  5. Reviewing the Minneapolis Clean Energy Partnership’s Effectiveness and Franchise Agreements to Keep our Energy Options Open


Read the full 2021 energy equity policy positions here.