2018: A Year in Review

In 2018 in coalition and in community, we have:  

  • Ensured $2-3 million in equitable climate funding from the City of Minneapolis each year;
  • Advanced inclusive energy financing into a stakeholder-led study process;
  • Defeated a “blank check” for monopoly utility’s nuclear plants;
  • Signed up 10 Twin Cities residents and 15 southern Minnesota organizations and households for cooperatively-owned community solar

Mr. Monopoly asking for signatures at the Capitol

for his Blank Check for Nuclear


These successes took time to cultivate, but we know this is urgent but patient, long-haul work...

Together, these wins were fought for by influencing city decision-makers, adding community voices to Xcel’s 15-year energy plan, intervening in key Public Utilities Commission decisions that affect the viability of true energy democracy and climate action, and building a culture of care, trust, and solidarity.  

Next year, we plan to continue the work with staff, volunteers, and coalition partners:

  • Launching work in St. Paul to ensure a similar focus on equity in the city’s Climate Action Plan and to develop low-income accessible community solar on several neighborhood schools
  • Working with elected officials and city staff to expand funding for equitable climate work locally
  • Collaborating with networks of community organizations to deepen community savings and knowledge through access to energy efficiency
  • Pushing inclusive energy financing from a feasibility study to a program that allows low-income and low-credit residents to access lower energy bills through clean and efficient energy.

Full house at Energy Comedy Night in Minneapolis, covering Xcel's plans for our next 15 years of energy in Minnesota

On behalf of the Community Power Board & Staff: THANK YOU for your support - looking forward to tackling new challenges in this new year. You can sustain this work here, or sign up to get on the mailing list for next events, volunteer opportunities, and calls to action by emailing [email protected].



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