He’s been on the job less than 72 hours, but already Dylan Kesti is making his mark as the campaign coordinator for Minneapolis Energy Options, a campaign to keep our city’s energy options open so we can secure an affordable, reliable, clean, efficient, and locally-controlled energy future.
Dylan Kesti joins Minneapolis Energy Options(MEO) with a rich history in organizing and progressive politics. Dylan holds a dual degree in global politics and communication from The College of St. Scholastica, and a M.A. in global environmental policy from American University based in Washington D.C. As an undergraduate Dylan studied sustainable development in Ghana, and co-led a January-term service-learning trip in Guatemala.
As a graduate student Dylan spent a semester at the U.N. University for Peace in Costa Rica, and afterwards worked as an intern with the Environmental Working Group in Washington, D.C. lobbying for a fair and sustainable farm bill for domestic farmers.
Most recently Dylan was teaching with the Higher Education Consortium of Urban Affairs (HECUA) as the Instructor to a semester long program on Environmental Sustainability.
Dylan’s résumé also includes a stint with the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) working on U.S food justice issues with LaDonna Redmond. Dylan has also worked with the Land Stewardship Project researching beginning farmer tax credits. Even in his free time Dylan continues to work for social, racial, and environmental justice in policy and practice as a policy advocate and activist. He is a co-founder of The Great Minnesota Outing, volunteers with Youth Farm and Market Project, and is a member of Sustainable Progress through Engaging Active Citizens (SPEAC).
Dylan Kesti can also be found on Twitter @DylanKesti or at[email protected].