Hey Xcel! No New Fossil Gas
Comment on Xcel's 15-Year Energy Resource Plan - Deadline Extended to February 11th !
We make it simple and easy to submit a comment to the MN Public Utilities Commission, who are the final decision makers who will approve, deny or modify Xcel's 15-year Plan.
Gratefully, a group of dedicated volunteers with Saint Paul 350 has reviewed Xcel's 15-year plan has offered this list of messaging points you can use to help write your comments :
1: Stop Xcel's proposed billion-dollar new Sherco gas plant and pipeline
2: Protest Xcel's inadequate modeling of our energy future, (which does not study or consider alternative scenarios without the new gas plant, earning Xcel a failing grade on their report card below)
3: Prioritize distributed renewable energy, storage, and efficiency
However, Xcel’s 15-year plan proposes to slash new rooftop & community solar by 90% from current levels !
The Energy We Can't Afford Coalition has developed messaging points in this link here on community solar and making Firm Commitments to Prioritize Racial Justice.
Click here to read about the strengths and weaknesses of Xcel's 15- year plan.
Commenting is Easy! 4 Options
MAIN POINT: you cannot submit anonymous comments
Send a comment directly to the MN Public Utility Commission via letter, direct comment, or video
1: MAIL Write a letter. Make sure to include your name and Docket Number 19-368 and mail it to: Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, 121 7th Place East, Suite #350, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55101
2: ONLINE DIRECTLY to the MN Public Utility Commission Submit a comment at this link and then reference docket number 19-368.
3: VIDEO COMMENT sent by EMAIL Submit comment by video: create video and send a Youtube link or wav file by email to [email protected]
4. THROUGH AN ORGANIZATION: MN350 and the Energy We Can’t Afford Coalition has provided a sample letter in this link, with space to type in your personal comments. These will be submitted as comments on Xcel’s 15 year plan.
Contact info if you run into difficulty submitting comments:
Anne Thom
Supervisor | Consumer Affairs Office
Minnesota Public Utilities Commission
121 7th Place E, Suite 350
Saint Paul, MN 55101-2147
O: 651-355-0000 F: 651-297-7073
- Pick one talking point and focus on it.
- The comment doesn’t have to be long.
- Let it be personal. Do you have a story?
- A summarized version of messaging points developed by dedicated volunteers which lay out why it is important to comment
- I am an Xcel customer from _______ MN. I am writing to voice my concern and say that the Public Utility Commission should not allow Xcel to build a new fossil gas plant in Becker MN. It will only accelerate the global climate crisis that affects our planet. Allowing for an increase in extracting, transporting and burning fossil fuels is the exact opposite of what the government should be doing to help our planet and our drinking water. The market for fossil gas is rapidly disappearing and the proposed new gas plant will not be able to pay for itself and that cost will shift onto the consumer. I’m a college student/retiree/single parent/unemployed and my finances can be tight at times. I don’t want to see increases in my bills to pay for an unnecessary fracked gas plant.
- Here is an article by Tim Wulling in the Park Bugle on tell the Public Utilities Commission that we want 100% clean, renewable energy. https://www.parkbugle.org/do-you-want-fossil-free-electricity/
- Similar points were echoed in January's Longfellow Nokomis Messenger https://www.longfellownokomismessenger.com/stories/energy-we-cant-afford,1606?
Xcel has stated commitment to carbon reduction goals. But because of expected methane releases, a new fossil gas plant would have roughly the same net greenhouse gas impact as the coal it would replace. To see more great info this, visit the Energy We Can't Afford website.
Community Power is an active member of the Energy We Can’t Afford Coalition and has continually strategized with individuals and grassroots organizations about how to meaningfully improve and influence Xcel’s 15-year Energy Plan to center community owned energy and eliminate plans for new fossil fuel infrastructure.
For a bit of fun, you can now watch the satirical interview on Xcel's 15-year plan with Mr. Monopoly-- also known as Mr. Moneybags, who plays the role of a self-appointed spokesman for investor-owned utilities. Click the link above to watch and hear what he says about Xcel's preferred plan...!
From Nov 30th - December 4th we held the Energy We Can't Afford Week of Action