Stand For Clean Energy at Minneapolis Community Forum

In Minneapolis, energy costs are rising and energy pollution is causing significant local and global problems. In Minneapolis we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make cleaner, more affordable, and more local energy available to all in Minneapolis.

In 2014 the city of Minneapolis will be renegotiating a contract with its electric and gas utilities. It’s an opportunity to change the status quo as we embark on a conversation that will chart a new energy future for the city and its residents and businesses.

In this moment of great opportunity to negotiate new 20 year franchise agreements with Xcel Energy and Center Point Energy, Minneapolis Energy Options  (MEO) stands to keep our city’s energy options open so we can secure an affordable, reliable, clean, efficient, and locally-controlled energyfuture for all.

MEO is working to help the city meet our climate change goals of reducing citywide greenhouse gas emissions 15 percent by 2015, and 30 percent by 2025. We want to use our energy dollars to pay for clean, local, and renewable energy instead of importing polluting energy. We want to eliminate the human and environmental health impacts from polluting energy that disproportionately impact low-income communities and communities of color.

We can do this through increasing investment of local economic development in clean and green jobs that help us meet the City of Minneapolis climate goals and will reduce energy costs.

Join your neighbors & MEO as we work to secure a Clean,
Affordable, Reliable, and Local Energy future for all!

Ward 9 Community Forum with Minneapolis Energy Options 

When: Wednesday, March 6th, 2013 @ 6:30PM

Where: Corcoran Neighborhood Organization
3451 Cedar Ave S. Minneapolis MN 55407

Eventbrite - Ward 9 Community Forum with Minneapolis Energy Options

Take part in the movement and help move Minneapolis Energy Forward!


@MplsEnergyOpts #MplsEnergyforward

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